Members and Guests Golf Tournament

Members and Guests Golf Tournament

One year more at Doña Julia Golf starts the Circuit of Members and Guest Golf Tournaments. A circuit composed of 6 tournaments to be ranked for the final, in which everybody is welcome and invited to participate in this social and friendly environment among our members.

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I Benefic Golf Tournament U.D. Tesorillo

I Benefic Golf Tournament U.D. Tesorillo

Celebrate at Dona Julia Golf together with the U.D. Tesorillo, the I Benefic Golf Tournament U.D. Tesorillo, the 29th January 2017. The tournament will be played at the format Individual […]

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Christmas “Turkey” Golf Tournament

Christmas “Turkey” Golf Tournament

The 17th December 2016 at 9:00 a.m a shotgun, celebrates at the Doña Julia Golf Club the second consecutive year the “Turkey” Christmas Golf Tournament, in collaboration with the San Pedro Golf Club.

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